Arctic Sea Ice Road Maps

Knowledge Gaps

Engineering needs (technical feasibility)

Version published: 
  • Can snow be created and deployed from the ocean?
  • Can snow be created and deployed from the ocean?

Projects from Ocean CDR Community


Version published: 
  • Can snow be created and deployed from the ocean with low energy requirements?
  • Can snow be created and deployed from the ocean with low energy requirements?

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Social risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community


Version published: 
  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection (Chuffart et al. 2023)?
  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection (Chuffart et al. 2023)?
  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection? (Chuffart et al. 2023)

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

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