Arctic Sea Ice Road Maps

Knowledge Gaps

Physical science / mechanism

Version published: 
  • How does blocking sea ice export from targeted areas impact the growth of new ice?
  • How would blocking sea ice export influence atmospheric temperature and circulation?
  • How would blocking sea ice export influence ocean circulation?
  • How does blocking sea ice export from targeted areas impact the growth of new ice?
  • How would blocking sea ice export influence atmospheric temperature and circulation?
  • How would blocking sea ice export influence ocean circulation?

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Engineering needs (technical feasibility)

Version published: 
  • What device would be effective in blocking sea ice export and be minimally invasive to Arctic organisms?
  • How does an artificial structure blocking sea ice export impact turbulence?
  • Design cable / structure to block ice export (particularly difficult given extremely high currents, winds, and ice pressures in Nares Strait).
  • Identify/design mooring or structure that would secure the cable or blocking structure (note that Nares Strait would be a particularly difficult place to deploy and maintain a mooring due to extremely high currents, wind, and ice pressures).
  • What device would be effective in blocking sea ice export and be minimally invasive to Arctic organisms?
  • How does an artificial structure blocking sea ice export impact turbulence?
  • Design cable / structure to block ice export (particularly difficult given extremely high currents, winds, and ice pressures in Nares Strait).
  • Identify/design mooring or structure that would secure the cable or blocking structure (note that Nares Strait would be a particularly difficult place to deploy and maintain a mooring due to extremely high currents, wind, and ice pressures).
  • What device would be effective in blocking sea ice export and be minimally invasive to Arctic organisms?
  • How does an artificial structure blocking sea ice export impact turbulence?
  • Design cable / structure to block ice export (particularly difficult given extremely high currents, winds, and ice pressures in Nares Strait)
  • Identify/design mooring or structure that would secure the cable or blocking structure (note that Nares Strait would be a particularly difficult place to deploy and maintain a mooring due to extremely high currents, wind, and ice pressures.)

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Environmental risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • What are the downstream effects of an artificial structure blocking sea ice export in terms of turbulence and biogeochemistry?
  • What are the implications of ice thickening approaches, including changes in stratification and nutrient transport?
  • Build on previous work (Bergeron and Tremblay 2014, Ren et al. 2022, Moore et al. 2023) to determine potential impacts (positive and negative) of blocking sea ice export on the Sarvarjuaq / Pikialasorsuaq polynya.
  • What are the downstream effects of an artificial structure blocking sea ice export in terms of turbulence and biogeochemistry?
  • What are the implications of ice thickening approaches, including changes in stratification and nutrient transport?
  • Build on previous work (Bergeron and Tremblay 2014, Ren et al. 2022, Moore et al. 2023) to determine potential impacts (positive and negative) of blocking sea ice export on the Sarvarjuaq / Pikialasorsuaq polynya.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Social risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community


  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection (Chuffart et al. 2023)?
  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection (Chuffart et al. 2023)?
  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection? (Chuffart et al. 2023)
  • Can Indigenous rights and perspectives be incorporated in governance of ocean-based climate solutions when solutions are implemented in the name of global environmental protection (Chuffart et al. 2023)?

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

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