Arctic Sea Ice Road Maps

Knowledge Gaps

Physical science / mechanism

Version published: 
  • Many of the proposed approaches, particularly novel approaches like marine CDR still require substantial testing of their fundamental efficacy and impacts (e.g., macroalgae, microalgae) through field trialing and demonstration.
  • Monitoring, reporting, and verification is a key knowledge gap across all CDR approaches (and will be more difficult in open systems where inputs and outputs cannot be tightly contained).
  • Many of the proposed approaches, particularly novel approaches like marine CDR still require substantial testing of their fundamental efficacy and impacts (e.g., macroalgae, microalgae) through field trialing and demonstration.
  • Monitoring, reporting, and verification is a key knowledge gap across all CDR approaches (and will be more difficult in open systems where inputs and outputs cannot be tightly contained).

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Engineering needs (technical feasibility)

Version published: 
  • Monitoring, reporting, and verification will require the development of new sensors, models, and workflows to combine data and models in order to produce quantitative estimates of carbon removal with uncertainty bounds.
  • Monitoring, reporting, and verification will require the development of new sensors, models, and workflows to combine data and models in order to produce quantitative estimates of carbon removal with uncertainty bounds.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community


Version published: 
  • Many approaches still lack full life cycle analyses, making scalability difficult to determine. However, for DAC, getting to scale is one of the biggest knowledge gaps and outstanding questions.
  • Many approaches still lack full life cycle analyses, making scalability difficult to determine. However, for DAC, getting to scale is one of the biggest knowledge gaps and outstanding questions.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Environmental risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • Many new and novel CDR approaches have yet to be tested in the field and thus, environmental risks and benefits remain largely unknown.
  • Many new and novel CDR approaches have yet to be tested in the field and thus, environmental risks and benefits remain largely unknown.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Social risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • Many new and novel CDR approaches have yet to be tested in the field and thus, social risks and benefits remain largely unknown.
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.
  • Many new and novel CDR approaches have yet to be tested in the field and thus, social risks and benefits remain largely unknown.
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.
  • Many new and novel CDR approaches have yet to be tested in the field and thus, social risks and benefits remain largely unknown.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community


Version published: 
  • Without fit-for-purpose governance frameworks, policies, and laws, the regulation and governance landscape of CDR is filled with unknowns and knowledge gaps.
  • Without fit-for-purpose governance frameworks, policies, and laws, the regulation and governance landscape of CDR is filled with unknowns and knowledge gaps.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

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