Arctic Sea Ice Road Maps

Knowledge Gaps

Physical science / mechanism

Version published: 
  • Finer resolution modeling efforts may help to resolve cloud processes in the Arctic but are currently too computationally expensive (Kravitz et al. 2014); this may include coupling sea ice and clouds in models.
  • Models that couple sea ice and clouds.
  • Most studies have focused on sea salt aerosols but other aerosols may warrant study (Kravitz et al. 2014). Will need specific studies for the Arctic environment.
  • Still unclear if an Arctic-focused deployment would lead to cooling in the Arctic and have an impact on sea ice.
  • SRM simultaneously alters top of atmosphere (TOA) and surface radiation. Global cooling or warming is mostly based on TOA effects, but Arctic/regional effects will depend a lot on the surface forcing, including sea ice melting. How can we better estimate the impacts on sea ice?
  • Finer resolution modeling efforts may help to resolve cloud processes in the Arctic but are currently too computationally expensive (Kravitz et al. 2014); this may include coupling sea ice and clouds in models.
  • Models that couple sea ice and clouds.
  • Most studies have focused on sea salt aerosols but other aerosols may warrant study (Kravitz et al. 2014). Will need specific studies for the Arctic environment.
  • Still unclear if an Arctic-focused deployment would lead to cooling in the Arctic and have an impact on sea ice.
  • SRM simultaneously alters top of atmosphere (TOA) and surface radiation. Global cooling or warming is mostly based on TOA effects, but Arctic/regional effects will depend a lot on the surface forcing, including sea ice melting. How can we better estimate the impacts on sea ice?

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Environmental risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • How would MCB in the Arctic impact ecosystems?
  • How would materials used for an Arctic deployment impact Arctic ecosystems?
  • Should we be designing MCB for a different target rather than global temperature (e.g., preserving biomes and ecoregions, preserving cold winter temperatures in temperate and polar regions)? See Zarnetske et al. (2021) for the same question raised about stratospheric aerosol injection.
    • UN Sustainable Development Goals (or other biodiversity goals) could inform targets.
  • How would MCB in the Arctic impact ecosystems?
  • How would materials used for an Arctic deployment impact Arctic ecosystems?
  • Should we be designing MCB for a different target rather than global temperature (e.g., preserving biomes and ecoregions, preserving cold winter temperatures in temperate and polar regions)? See Zarnetske et al. (2021) for the same question raised about stratospheric aerosol injection.
    • UN Sustainable Development Goals (or other biodiversity goals) could inform targets.
  • How would MCB in the Arctic impact ecosystems?
  • How would materials used for an Arctic deployment impact Arctic ecosystems?
  • Should we be designing MCB for a different target rather than global temperature (e.g., preserving biomes and ecoregions, preserving cold winter temperatures in temperate and polar regions)? See Zarnetske et al. (2021) for the same question raised about stratospheric aerosol injection.
    • UN Sustainable Development Goals (or other biodiversity goals) could inform targets

Projects from Ocean CDR Community

Social risks / benefits

Version published: 
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.
  • Need assessment of societal risks and benefits including community engagement.

Projects from Ocean CDR Community


Projects from Ocean CDR Community

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